June Tune-in: We want to hear from you!

Happy June, Builders! :smiley: :honey_pot:

We’d like to check-in with each of you and see what you think about Honeycode. For this month, could you please share about your experience so far?

Ideas of what to share:

  • What features do you use the most and how have they helped your team?
  • What do you like about the building or in-app experience?
  • What features or improvements would enhance your experience in the service?

Also if you've built an app you're currently using with your team, we're open to a call to learn more about your use case. If interested, Let us know by commenting below, and we’ll reach out to schedule a call. :slight_smile: :honeybee:


What features do you use the most and how have they helped your team?
I have a lot of different views with permissions for each kind of user

** What do you like about the building or in-app experience?**
It just works

** What features or improvements would enhance your experience in the service?**

Ways to troubleshoot without going live, Integromat integration, a way to export to csv/excel

I've been using 2 apps everyday with my team of 15


Thanks for kicking off the event, @Robe-5beb! Would you be able to share a little more about your use case, such as industry and the type of apps you've built?

have you any information about Image and document management?
have you any information aboutSecurity implementation

Hello, and welcome to the community, @Stefano_Bottaro! Are you able to expand a bit on image and document management, as well as, "security implementation?" It's helpful for us to know what your use/business case is, and what you're trying to solve for.

Certainly, for instance:

  • List item
    For Image management I want to include the logo of customers (or referrer to)
    For Document Management I want to include the contract with my customers
    For Security I want to Profile the visibility of my entity by Login, Pwd, Groups, Roles, or social login.
    Kind regards,
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Thanks for the details @Stefano_Bottaro. Image and upload/download/export abilities have been popular requests from other customers, and the team is prioritizing based on feedback. I don't have any information to share in terms of timing, but I recommend following our Announcements for updates.

Regarding your third bullet, we'll need more information from you to best assist. When you say "entity," is that a Workbook, App, objects within an app, or something else? We're also unsure what you're referring to with "Login, Pwd, Groups, Roles, or social login."

Are you attempting to control what your app users see or what data on your app users you can see as the admin?

Sometime lag/ page die while editing apps
Add image (that can be resized) on app page
Add Video embed (from youtube,...) on app page

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I really like the interface that makes it quick and easy to build simple apps. The navigation is clean and easy to understand and the table layout for the data is easy to work with, if sometimes a bit laggy. The builder wizards are also great for building the standard screens.

I'd like to see some more capabilities aimed at people building bigger apps, such as the ability to put comments on actions and the ability to include formatting such as line breaks and indentations to help make sense of complex formulas. Also, the ability to re-order fields within an add or update action and the ability to re-order screens in an app would be super helpful.

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Keen to see more out of the box integrations with other AWS components, especially DynamoDBs and Lambda.

I think there is a Honeycode sweet spot between:

"basic input / output app" e.g. a tasking app


"full scrum team to develop a bespoke solution"

And this sweet spot could be addressed if Honeycode could more easily integrate as the UI layer into these other AWS components.

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@Robe-5beb, welcome to the community, and thanks for your feedback! :smiley: :honeybee:

I can see how a sandbox mode or something similar to allow for troubleshooting would be helpful; I'll pass this feedback along to our team. For Integromat integration, I'd recommend exploring integrations with Zapier to connect this service to Honeycode. And for exporting data to CSV/Excel, this has been a popular request for Honeycode, which our team is evaluating for future iterations of Honeycode.

It's great to hear that you're using a couple of apps daily with your team! Sounds like you've been able to personalize them as well for the different types of users. Let us know if you'd be open to share more about your apps and use case that you're using with your team (either in this thread or on a call with us). :honey_pot: :slight_smile:

Hi @Long-fc34, welcome to the community! :honeybee:

Thanks for sharing what you've been experiencing in Honeycode. If you continue to bump into lag issues when editing apps, please submit an issue report to us in Honeycode when they occur (By clicking on the Help icon > "Report an issue"). This sends our team logs and helps us identify any issues to clear up.

In regards to your feature requests, image support and embedding videos or similar container formats have been requested by others as well; I'll pass along your asks to our team too. Let us know if you think of anything else that would improve your experience in Honeycode. :honey_pot: :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @Michael_W_SCR, thanks for sharing your feedback! :honeybee:

Happy to hear that the UI and Wizards have helped you build apps quickly! :slight_smile: For the lag issues you're noting, please submit an issue report to us upon seeing them, as this may help us identify and clear up what may be causing them.

For your feature requests, I'll pass along your asks for 1) ability to add comments or notations on automation actions, 2) ability to format formulas (i.e. line breaks and indentations), and 3) ability to re-order fields in an automation action.

For reordering screens, if you click on the "App Navigation" button, you can reorder screens as they appear in the navigation of the app. Is this what you were looking for, or were you referring to something else?

Hi @BHAV-c101, welcome to the community, and nice to meet you here! :wave: :slight_smile:

Good note on integrations; As of today, you can integrate AWS services with Honeycode using Amazon AppFlow or with Honeycode APIs, however I can see how native integrations within the UI would be helpful. I'll pass on your feedback to our team for this ask (I'll note too that others have asked for it as well).

I like too that you're thinking about the different angles of using Honeycode, and how it can be that "sweet spot" solution for developers and business users alike. :honey_pot: :smiley:

Hi Honeycode team :slight_smile:

  • On top of the features that enable to create an app, I use the most Zapier and AppFlow integration. That's super useful features to interact with other AWS services
  • I like the easiness to build everything in Honeycode
  • I would love to see the possibility to include media content (pictures, videos...) and to integrate QuickSight dashboards

Happy to share my new app in the coming weeks :wink: Feel free to reach out to me.


Thank you for joining the event and sharing your feedback, @Joel-1ada! We're excited to see what you've been up to in Honeycode :honeybee:

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J'adore :honeybee: le gros soucis pour moi est la langue, je peu traduire le forum d'aide mais pour l'application impossible d'avoir une traduction il est alors très difficile de l'utiliser dans ces cas là.
J'essaye de m'adapter en traduisant à chaque fois mais ça en devient laborieux. Heureusement que le centre d'aide communautaire est là pour m'aiguiller.


Bonjour @Stph-1188, merci de vous joindre à nous ! Il existe une demande de fonctionnalité de localisation basée sur les commentaires des clients, que l'équipe priorise. Pour le moment, nous n'avons aucune nouvelle à partager, mais gardez un œil sur nos annonces.

Notez que j'utilise un traducteur au cas où mon message comporterait des erreurs de grammaire ou de langue.

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Merci @Taylor j'espère que cette fonctionnalité sera bientôt mise en place

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