Formats: Dates, Numbers, Contacts & More

In Honeycode, ‘format” refers to a type of value. For example, data can be formatted as text, currency, time, or a percent.

Common formats

There are several common formats supported by Honeycode:

  • Text
  • Number
  • Currency
  • Percentage
  • Accounting
  • Date & time

Once you select a format, you can additionally customize how data is displayed by choosing how many decimal places to show or how dates and times appear.

Unique Honeycode formats


There are two formats that are totally unique to Honeycode: rowlinks and contacts. Rowlinks are a reference to a row in a table; this means that cells/columns formatted as rowlink contains an entire row of data. Rowlinks play an important role in Honeycode.

Read more in Rowlinks and Picklists.


Contacts are a unique Honeycode format you can reference in your tables, apps, and in teams management. The contacts format is used for people on your team. Your team members are automatically added to your contacts. Contacts are especially useful for personalizing app views and sending email and in-app notifications.

Column vs. cell formatting

When you set a format in tables, the format will always be applied to an entire column. Once a column is formatted, all future rows will also be set to the selected format.

However, if you want to apply formatting to only one cell, you can do so by toggling to “Sheets view” from the toolbar. Click on a cell that is outside of a table to format a single cell.

Formatting enforcement

Similar to many spreadsheet tools, formats are used to set the data display. For example, “5” could be displayed as “5.0,” “$5.00,” or “500%” just by changing the format. But, even when you set a format to currency if a user types “banana,” the value will be accepted and displayed as “banana.”

To sum it up, a format does not prevent other value types from being entered—it simply defines how Honeycode should display the value. If Honeycode is unable to display the value as formatted, (like displaying “banana” as a currency), Honeycode will display the value entered by default.

“Styling” or “formatting?”

You may have used tools where format indicates font size or color, but in the Honeycode universe, we call the visual effects of your app “styling. While you can add styling to your tables, it typically plays a much smaller role in Honeycode than in, say, a spreadsheet application. That’s because, in Honeycode, data is presented in your app– your app users never see your tables.

So, while styling will play a large role when you’re in Builder, it plays only a minor part in the Tables section of your workbook.

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