Associate table cells while making calculations

Hi there,
Is there a way I can grab data from one table cell associated to a product and then drop it to another table and place it in there and have a formula to sum historic registers from the other table?

This is what I need in images

First, I have this table called "Facturas" which substracts" Cantidad Solicitada" by "Cantidad Entregada", then the result is saved in "Por Entregar", then this total needs to go to another table called "Inventario" and saves its data to "Acumulado por entregar ", in here besides getting data from "Cantidad Entregada" it also has to sumarize each time a value is submitted in "Cantidad Entregada" "Cantidad Entregada"t means products pending to be delivered, so that user always know what quantity and specific products are pending to be delivered, how can I do that?


Hi @Pabl-2603,

Happy to help! To total specific values from another table, you would wrap a FILTER formula with the SUM function.

For your specific example, your formula for the "Acumulado por entregar" column in the "Inventario" table would look something like:

=SUM(FILTER(Facturas, "Facturas[Producto]=[Producto]")[Por Entregar])

This is calculating the total values in the "Por Entregar" column for each particular product.

Let us know if that helps, and if you have any other questions. :slight_smile: :honey_pot:

Thx so much for your kind support Alyssa!!!


Hi Alyssa, trying to do the exact same thing here, but when applying only the filter it doesnt find anything. My difference is that one of the condition elements is a cell from same row which is a picklist:

Hi @Bocu-405b, welcome to the community!

For your filter expression, could you try something like this? =FILTER(Precios_Materiales,"Precios_Materiales[Material]=[Material][insert column name here]")

Replace the text of insert column name here with the actual column name from the table that this table's Material column (C) is referencing.

Here's more info on this specific concept: Dynamically Retrieve a Rowlink's Column.

@Bocu-405b, I wanted to follow up with a specific example here as I believe I understand what you are after. The approach is slightly different than my first response because this uses our =FINDROW function to retrieve the specific price of the material defined in your column B.

  1. 4 tables:

  2. With this setup, to determine the price of the material in the Relacional_Tratamiento_Material table, you can use this expression: =FINDROW(Precios_Materiales,"Precios_Materiales[Material]=[Material][Name]")[Price]

Hope this helps!


Hi @aj , Thank you so much for that detailed explanation! it helped me a lot!
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