Cost price calculation table column

Hi everyone,
so I have 2 tables:
table_raw_materials (name, type, price)
table_cost_price (type [rowlink picklist], name [filter picklist], price per unit, quantity, price overall)

price per unit i would like to take from price column of table_raw_materials where table_raw_materials[name]=table_cost_price[name]
quantity is a number
price overall = price per unit * quantity

How to write formula for price per unit so it would find apropriate price in first table?
Thanks in advance for reply

Hi @Ilya-548b-

I was able to create two tables as you've described:
raw cost

Then was able to configure the rows within the cost_price table as follows:

I believe that may get you where you're looking to go?


in cost_price table my first column is picklist Type, it acts as a filter to picklist in column Name, and only then I need Price per unit
so for example if you will choose hard type in column type, you have only 1 option in column Name - it is Material A, and in third column price per unit I need price of that one - so 2$ in your example.

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