Data validation on cells

Is there anyway we can validate on the data cell, instead of warning user via Submit button?

Here are some challenges, what I am seeing on my end. I have Add New Task form, I am trying to validate cell and notify user, but notification trigger set via visibility only works on initial time.

Initial when page is loads you see two content

Once the value get updated tow content boxes disappear

I wipe the value; Alert does not work

Hi @San,

Thanks for this post too!

Yes, you're able to set up data validation tied to particular fields, I can show you how :slight_smile:

The content box with your warning message should have a visibility formula that checks if a particular field is empty or not. That way if you were to refresh the page and the field is still empty, it will still show the error message. (and it's not dependent on a button click)

For your case, here are a couple formulas you could put on visibility properties of the content boxes. These check if the specified fields are empty (and the content box will only display if they are empty):



Here's a couple of screenshots of where to put the formulas in Builder.

For the assignee warning message:

For the due date visibility message:

Now, when you use your app, the warning messages will appear based on the checks on particular cells:

And the error messages go away if the fields are filled:

You can also use the ISBLANK() function to see if cells are blank, just another option. :slight_smile:

Let us know if you have any further questions on this!

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