External Integrations - Share your feedback!

I'm building a Revenue Forecasting application and storing Salesforce data into the Honeycode tables. I am looking to integrate Honeycode with Salesforce so the reports directly pulled from Salesforce can be imported into Honeycode, rather than going from Salesforce to Excel to Honeycode. Since I'm unable to integrate with Salesforce, I have to manually pull reports and copy and paste them into Honeycode, which is inefficient. I would also like to be able to export data from Honeycode and upload to Salesforce.


I am still looking for the "no programming" solution to get data from an IoT device (using AWS IoT Core) to a web app. Honeycode is a step in the right direction, but still need the means of getting data from the IoT device into Honeycode. IoT can send data to other AWS resources - need to add Honeycode to the list of places IoT can send data, or need to let Honeycode get data from AWS databases (without any API programming).

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In today's world many systems require integration with a variety of web SAAS products. Things like SalesForce, Dropbox, Google apps (calendar, mail, etc.), internal and external database repositories (MySQL, Oracle, Postegres, SQL Server, etc.).

In many ways apps of Honeycode's size and scale represent the mortar that connects together all the disparate data "bricks" that exist in today's computing world. These apps tie together what is kept in separate data silos.

Microsoft Power Apps does a great job providing a bevy of connectors to many, many disparate sources. They take the voodoo out of having to understand API's, authentication and pushing and pulling data.

I think that's the goal. Make integration simpler. Honeycode has done a great job pushing the creation of online systems down to mere mortals. Imagine the apps organizations could/would create if they could easily integrate into the rest of their data universe.


We currently house our database within AWS. I need to be able to read and write from that database using Honeycode easily. I also would like to be able to utilize external API calls from other data sources.


We currently have several applications built on aws using lambda/dynamodb. I would love to be able to tap into dynamo (or use lambda as a proxy) if possible so that i can create an admin system for my apps.

A couple of things I need to do often is to loop over many items in a dynamo table toggling a value. I'd love to be able to do that from an interface in honeycomb instead of having to write scripts or export spreadsheets and reupload for processing

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What I am basically looking for is an appointment scheduling app like https://easyappointments.org/ where I can have my org users can take appointments from customers, and API should be available so that I can integrate this functionality in mobile as well.

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Also, be able to sync the calendars of users with external calendars such as google calendar, outlook, etc.


I just wrote a quick User-Story creation app with Honeycode where I can choose a User and a "Focus" (which could be to assign to an Epic instead" using Picklists. Then I just add info for "What" and "Why" and the table automatically concatenates the fields into the typical User Story template of: "As a [user], I want to [what], so that [why].
It would be really cool if it could then automatically send it to Jira (or another Backlog tool like that).
In other words, I could use the app on my phone in the meeting to quickly capture the important story details and have it automatically be sent over to Jira.
Anyway, it is an idea.

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I just need to be able to call into / out of a REST / HTTP endpoint at a minimum.

Some quick examples of the need.

On a customer record change -> call out to a document generation app / URL to generate contract / agreement.

Be able to query an external data source on new record creation to populate additional fields from a datastore.

Write a custom function to populate a pricing cell using a URL / webservice.


Hi everyone! It's been great reading about all of your use cases related to external integrations. This information is essential for our team to better understand and prioritize your suggestions.

Please continue to contribute to the conversation! :honeybee:


I have multiple spreadsheets, each having multiple tabs, Data is added to sheet mostly by copy-paste from another source, data is validated where some validations are simple, some complex, some require a reference to another tab in same spreadsheet or another spreadsheet. Validation outcome is stored in another tab of same sheet where each error detail is stored in one row
To use Honeycode, here is what I came up with..

  1. Create workbook for each spreadsheet and create table for each tab in that spreadsheet. Have more tables to store validation outcome
  2. Make App screens to Read, Add, Update and Delete records.
  3. Create an external app (Lambda probably) using Honeycode APIs (get_screen_data and invoke_screen_automation) to communicate with Honeycode Workbook. This external app can populate Honeycode tables from external source, validate the data and store validation result in honeycode
  4. Errors can be corrected in honeycode and then validation can be initiated again from external app.

If we can have a way to call lambda or external end point inside honeycode, switching between honeycode and external app can be avoided.


A post was split to a new topic: SAML integration for IAM instead of creating TEAMS

It would be nice if a Honeycode automation can invoke a Lambda directly. Like you would from CloudWatch Events, SNS, etc.

Additionally, create EventBus events as automation action.

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We've pretty much switched 100% to AWS AppSync and thus GraphQL for all our data. So we would love to be able to flow data from the AppSync Graphql into HoneyCode.. A lower priority right now but eventually we would like to flow from AWS Athena into HoneyCode. Until we have AppSync integration we can't use HoneyCode. But would really like to use it!

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Hi everyone, it's great to see the new suggestions around external integrations. Please keep your feature requests coming our way :honeybee:

I am going to be straight and direct. The concept of low code GUI tool is great. Hosted by AWS, no doubt, it is hard to beat. I am pretty sure the Honeycode engineers know how important to support on interfacing with an external API and/otr REST api - to transfer data between the UI and backend. Without it, this Honeycode is not quite ready for the prime time. I understand that Honeycode is still in beta. Can the Honeycode team provide a roadmap of the features, say for the coming one year? It would be very helpful. Thanks.


The primary use case for integrations and Honeycode we're evaluating is enabling business users (who are non-technical users) to manage reference and master data. Aka creating a simple application for non-technical users to click into and then adjust mappings, and create a history log of adjustments to mappings that would trigger notifications to other users. AWS has no great/minimal master data management solution that does not require technical coding. If HoneyCode gets directly connected with AWS EventBridge, it would be super helpful. If HoneyCode can interface with S3 data, even change the values of the data in a file in S3, it would be super helpful.


That's exactly our use case as well. Need a user friendly to "democratize" masterdata.

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