HIPAA Compliance?

Honeycode is not currently listed in the AWS HIPAA Eligible Services Reference. Is this likely to be added, or is Honeycode not an option for those that must remain HIPAA-compliant?

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Hello @Matt-ee76, welcome to the community. Regarding your question, Honeycode is not currently a HIPAA eligible AWS service. We are in beta to get additional customer feedback (such as this) as we continue to think about ways to improve the service. Please let us know if you have any more questions!

Thank you for the prompt reply. I'm sure there are many healthcare businesses that would love to use a product like this, if it were made HIPAA eligible. Until then, we'll have to wait (or find other solutions).

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Any development on this? Will Honeycode become a HIPAA eligible AWS service in the near future? Or, can we layer an additional service to make Honeycode HIPAA compliant?

Hi @Shad-64ee thanks for checking in on this post. Our compliance work is ongoing and we don’t have any specific news to share at this time. If you have any further feedback on this or any other area, please let us know and stay tuned to our Announcements page for news.