Horizontal Scroll while table view in App

I have many columns in a table and they don't fit in same line. Is there a way to have horizontal scroll where we can adjust all columns in same line ?

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Hi @Anur-e930, thanks for your question here!

Honeycode currently does not have a horizontal scroll, however that is a good idea for a feature request. I'll pass that along to the team to review.

I'll also note that if you have an app with several columns, one way that may improve how the columns display on the screen would be to use a stacked list rather than a column list. Stacked lists can be more friendly for mobile apps as well, since they place column data on top of each other vertically.

Just another option to explore to improve your app layouts, both in web and mobile. :slight_smile:

Let us know if you have any other questions or thoughts around Honeycode as you explore the product. :honeybee:

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