Add Team Members


Teams are how you share workbooks and apps. Your workbooks and apps can only be shared with people on your team, so make sure the right people have been invited to your team.

Teams have two roles, admins and members.

Admins can assign individual permissions to each member based on the project, so everyone has access to what they need. Admins can also:

  • Add new admins to the team
  • Add new members to the team
  • Create, share and collaborate on workbooks and apps

Members can:

  • Create, share and collaborate on workbooks and apps


  1. In the Teams page, click Add team member in the upper right corner.

  2. In the invite modal, type the email address(es) of people you’d like to invite to your team.

  3. By default, their role will be set to Member; however, you can change it to Admin. Click Invite .

:hammer_and_wrench: Builder's tip: Recipients will receive an email invite to your team. Please note that invites expire after 24 hours. If the invitation has not been accepted in that time, you can resend it from the Teams page. You can send reminders or change team members’ roles, even if the invite is pending acceptance.

:lock: Security note: Team members can see profile details, such as name, email and role of everyone on their team.

Want more details?

Check out our Sharing Workbooks & Apps article.

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