Introducing the Honeycode Dashboard

Honeycode Dashboard

The simplified Dashboard replaces My Drive as your home base in Honeycode. The Dashboard remains your place to access and edit apps, share workbooks and apps, kick-off building, view your teams, and invite new members. Access to the Honeycode community and our lively forum discussions moved to the left navigation panel for easy access.


Apps move front and center on the Dashboard. As an app user, continue to access and use apps shared with you. The apps remain as they were built. Moving to the Dashboard view changes nothing about your experience using the app.

Owners and collaborators access the app builder and underlying tables using the pencil icon that displays to the right of the app name. Continue customizing and improving your apps as you do today.

In addition, use the ellipses at the right of the row to access the app builder, underlying tables, and other Dashboard capabilities.


You now access existing workbooks, and their underlying tables, through the related apps. As an owner or collaborator, click the pencil icon next to the app to access the builder, where you'll find the underlying tables, all associated apps, and automations.

Do you have workbooks with no apps built yet? It’s all good. We moved app-less workbooks to the left nav. Click a workbook to continue building the tables and creating apps.



Teams remain essential to Honeycode. We’ve brought teams up in the left navigation panel for easier accessibility. Adding team members lets you share your workbooks and apps, letting you invite the right people to your teams.

Learning & Resources

We invite you to join the Honeycode community where you’ll find lively discussions, help articles, and more.


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