Inventory Management

Using spreadsheets to manage assets like phones, laptops, and other devices can be cumbersome and error-prone.

This template provides an easy-to-use app for your team to request devices, see their request status, and view their assigned devices—all in one place. You'll receive an email and in-app notification when a new request is submitted, simplifying your workflow.

Getting started

Click here or select the Inventory Management template when creating a new workbook

User app

Manager app

Data organization

Metadata tables

  • Use the rowlink format to let users pick from a predefined sets of options, like manufacturer, device type, and status. Customize options as needed.

Data tables

  • Use the Devices table to store device metadata including model, manufacturer, category, description, and count of available and in-use devices.

  • The Inventory table tracks the inventory and assignment of devices. The assignee column is updated when users request a device.

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