Live links for phone numbers

What's your feature request
To make international phone numbers clickable - I understand this only works for US phone numbers at the moment

What's the problem you are looking to solve
Want mobile numbers to be able to click and dial phone numbers

How is your team currently blocked?
Only works for US phone numbers at the moment

Separately, re the forum, it might be a good idea not to close topics after 2 weeks. I can see there has been discussion of this topic elsewhere but I have to start a new conversation rather than adding to the existing thread

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Hi @Gile-7c97

Thanks for another great feature request! I'll submit this to our team for consideration. For your specific uses cases, are there certain international phone number formats that are a priority for you?

Also, thank you for your feedback about the experience you have with the closing of topics. I'll bring this to my team as well. For now, if you do have an older post that you'd like to refer to, you can provide the link to the older post in a new post you create.

Keep your ideas and feedback coming!

Thanks Matt. UK phone numbers would be our priority, but ultimately we would want any phone number to be dialable.

Maybe there could be a format "telephone" which if applied to a column would attempt to dial an entry when clicked.

Thanks for sharing that information @Gile-7c97 . I'll bring this to our team as well for consideration.

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