Notification fail in automation when combine Date&Time reached with RunOptions (for each)

Hello @Alyssa, @Pankaj :
I have a table :
Where Grupo_Mensaje is the group than received a message(Mensaje) when reached the date.

IN the action (notify by email), in subject, in body, I can use the values of columns of this current row:
ANd that it works fine.

But if I want send to a group of user, I put a filter (Like Groups and Users) in Run Actions:

Now, I can not access to values of columns of the first main table (Test_Grupo_Mensaje).
The filter is working ok, but the values of columns table TEST_Grupo_Mensaje) are not available.

How can I access to those values?

Best Regards

Hello @Alyssa
Sure, It is working (To : )

My idea is cross in the filter the table SCI_Grupo_Usuario with the value of column [Grupo_Mensaje] of the first table. And send only to the groups ( Grupo_Mensaje ).


Hello @Alyssa
Sorry I got confused with the last case I put in the community...

Best Regards

Hi @Javi-1285 :slight_smile: :honeybee:

We're happy to help! However we need some clarity on your goals; Could you further specify what you're looking to achieve with your automation?

The method provided in this thread would email all users in a particular group: Automation (Notify) using for each row (filter) fail - #4 by Alyssa. The NAME! errors appear when the specified data does not exist in the table which the FILTER formula is pointing to (in your case, the filter formula is pointing to SCI_Grupo_Usuario, which may not be the table with the users and their groups).

Hi @Alyssa
This is the scenary: (2 tables)

When the current day ( now() ) reach to a value of column Date_Reached(Message Table), notified to the group (by email).
In the mail I need to put information of both tables .
El filter is on table User_Group (in "Run Actions"), but then I can not access values of columns of Table Message.

Best regards..