Problems Printing to PDF from Honeycode App

When I am viewing a page in my Honeycode app and attempt to "Save as PDF" from the Print dialog, I only have the option to print the first page. (See image below.) In fact, the system seems to think there is only one page to print, when there are actually several.

I am able to save PDFs as expected from other web apps/web pages with no problems. I am running on Google Chrome and MacOS.

Has anyone else seen this and do you know of a fix? Is this a Honeycode bug?

Hi @Smitty,

Thanks for reaching out.

As of now, Honeycode does not natively support print functionality.

This is one of the popular feature request and we've shared it with our Product team for consideration.

For additional notes, you may be interested in exploring Zapier integrations for export/PDF/print functionality. Depending on your specific use-case, there may be some options available. Please review Integrate Data with Zapier and Amazon AppFlow

Hope this helps.