So confused

Hello everyone, i am new here today and i am so confused. I think for the most part i have the first section done except this:

I have created a sort of collection tracker that has tables to mark yes or no if they own the item, in that column once they are done i want the own column to add up how many of the items they own of the set, not sure that makes sense but i want it to count it and show them how many they have and/or how many are left they need to get. how can i do this? this first sheet has 98 items and on each item they have to select certain things variables in each column for the item example column d is rarity with table drop down to choose option, column e is table drop down for type of card, f is table drop down for own and to choose yes or no. this is the column i want to have add up everytime a change is made to it like at the bottom of the column like a counter.

please help! thank you so much in advance

Hi @aali-3803, welcome to the community and thanks for your post! :smiley: :wave:

You can use a FILTER formula to aggregate the rows that meet a certain criteria; In your case, one that returns items that the user owns in their collection. Here's an example I set up:

I have a table, in which each item is associated with a particular user and has a column with a checkbox that can be checked to indicate that the user owns the item:

In Builder, I have a screen with checkboxes. For the source of each checkbox, I point to the checkbox column of that given item for the user currently using the app (the SYS_USER). This is done with a FINDROW formula; here's one I used in my example:

=FINDROW(ItemsOwned,"ItemsOwned[Name]=$[SYS_USER] AND ItemsOwned[Item]=%","Item 1")[Owns]

Now as a user checks the boxes on the screen, it also updates the item's row in the table.

If you'd like to display the total number of owned items, you can then add a FILTER formula to a content box, which filters only the items for that particular user where the Owns checkbox returns TRUE:

This is how it looks in action:

You can also write a filter formula in a table too, if it's helpful to see the aggregated rows there:

I hope this example helps! Let us know if you have any other questions. :honey_pot: