Summer Show & Tell!

Hi Honeycoders! :honey_pot:

Have you built an app that you’d like to share with us? We’d love to see what you’ve been building!

Each participant on this thread during July will receive this special forum badge in early August!
Promotion dates: July 1st - July 31st, 2021. :trophy:

Ideas of what to share:

  • An app you’ve built either for your own use or for your team
  • How this app has helped you or your team
  • If you’re using the app on web or mobile (or both)
  • Any feedback on your building experience

Need help building? Feel free to ask us questions here. We’re always happy to help! :slight_smile:


J'ai créer une application pour une grosse entreprise de distribution alimentaire, elle sert notamment à gérer les stocks, faire des demandes de congés, demande de rdv avec le manager, prendre des commandes, suivre l'évolution des ventes et faire des prix de revient, tout ça pour le secteur boulangerie/pâtisserie.
L'application sera utilisée sur pc, téléphone et tablette.
L'application n'est pas encore terminée mais est en bon chemin, je rencontre des soucis avec des erreurs mais je suis aidée par l'équipe qui es formidable ! N'hésitez surtout pas à demander l'aide si vous êtes bloqué, ils sont vraiment à l'écoute.

Donc voilà un grand merci à Honeycode :honeybee:

I created an application for a large food distribution company, it is used in particular to manage stocks, make leave requests, request an appointment with the manager, take orders, follow the evolution of sales and make prices of comes back, all this for the bakery / pastry sector.
The application will be used on pc, phone and tablet.
The application is not yet finished but is on the right track, I am having problems with errors but I am helped by the team who are great! Do not hesitate to ask for help if you are stuck they are really listening.

So here's a big thank you to Honeycode :honeybee:

This message was translated with a translator, please excuse me if it contains grammatical errors.


Ravi de vous voir, @Stph-1188 ! Nous aimons en savoir plus sur les cas d'utilisation de nos constructeurs, et le vôtre semble savoureux étant donné qu'il est destiné à la boulangerie et à la pâtisserie. C'est également formidable d'apprendre que l'équipe a été en mesure de vous aider à démarrer votre application. Ne soyez pas un étranger et tenez-nous au courant de votre voyage :honeybee:

Notez que j'utilise un traducteur au cas où mon message ne serait pas traduit correctement.

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Howdy (to honor the local colloquialism, although it's hard to follow-up the romantic bonjour),

Thanks to the standard library template, two Honeycode specialists, and some grit there's a PO framework for my Team to use(including separate apps for requests and approvals). It's customized for the field operator to provide a large number of data points necessary for entry into our accounting system, including picklists for projects, vendors, standard purchase categories, purchase method, etc. and an automated approval routing to the appropriate individuals overseeing the project (each has the ability to approve, not a tiered approval workflow). After approved by a manager, a unique and sequential PO number is issued automatically to the field operator for communication to the vendor and stored in the table for accounting. Managers use mainly the desktop site whereas operators utilize the app almost exclusively as they are normally on the jobsite.

Previously we were fielding PO requests and approval in GroupMe, which was obviously a complete disaster for everything from communication lines, accountability, and retention to name just a field. As such, both the field personnel and managers love this system as it serves as a much more organized one-stop-shop.

The Honeycode Team has been extremely helpful and coordinated two calls with me so far to modify coding from the library template to suite my unique needs. Shout out to @Alyssa who solved my email notification issue last time which was the last hurdle in achieving full, daily utilization of the program. My experience with Excel and tables made the learning curve fairly manageable, but I think developing more robust training resources (basic guides and/or videos) would go a long way in helping newbies kick-off the process.

Integration with our accounting system (issued POs from Honeycode and vendor list/job list/phase list to Honeycode) is the next big challenge!


Bienvenu à vous @Zach-932b
Welcome to you @Zach-932b

Merci @Taylor l'application avance petit à petit grâce à la détermination et à la collaboration de tous les honeycodeurs novices comme pro ! Grace à @Amaury avec qui j'ai eu une très bonne collaboration et qui continue, grâce à @aj qui m'a aussi beaucoup aidée du début et tant d'autres que je ne saurai tous les citer. Lorsque mon programme sera abouti je me ferai une joie de vous le partager. En tout cas je continue mon chemin pour le moment il me reste encore beaucoup de travail.

Thank you @Taylor the application is progressing little by little thanks to the determination and the collaboration of all the honeycoders novice and pro! Thanks to @Amaury with whom I had a very good collaboration and which continues, thanks to @aj who also helped me a lot from the start and so many others that I cannot name them all. When my program is completed I will be happy to share it with you. In any case, I continue on my way for the moment I still have a lot of work to do.


Howdy @Zach-932b :cowboy_hat_face: (love that!)

Thanks for sharing about your PO app here! It's great to see how far it's come along, and how Honeycode has improved the request and approval processes for your team. :star2:

We're always happy to help too (thanks for your kind feedback!). As you continue building and exploring integrations, feel free to reach out to us with any questions. :honey_pot: :honeybee:

Merci @Stph-1188, je suis curieux de savoir où vous en êtes avec votre application. Le projet semble intéressant, faites-moi signe si besoin, je serais ravi d'avoir un retour sur votre expérience.


Francois Gast | Product Manager @ Honeycode

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