Disconnect team from AWS account

I succesfully connected my first honeycode team to my aws account.
however, I can't find the option to disconnect it !

Hi @Ales-d940, that's great that you connected your first Honeycode team! You can disconnect the team by reaching out to AWS support at https://aws.amazon.com/console/. Thanks!

Hi, just following up on this one. I also would like to disconnect a Honeycode account from an AWS account. I've been to that link and searched the KB, but there is nothing there about disconnecting and I cant find a way to message anyone to ask. Grateful if you could point me in the right direction please.

Hi @PaulBappoo

Thanks for posting in the community! Unlinking requires the assistance of AWS support. If you would like to unlink a Honeycode account from an AWS account, you will need to have the AWS account ROOT owner reach out to AWS support to request the unlinking. The AWS account ROOT owner can do this at https://aws.amazon.com/console/ that was shared.

Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with!


Thanks Matt, I have reached out to AWS Support.