Hide or remove data from People table?

When I use field of format "contact", I see some of the team members like

  • Jane Roe
  • John Stiles
  • Mary Major

along with my team members. How do I hide or remove above mentioned team members? I cannot even see People table

Hi @Nave-b216, welcome to the community! :smiley: :honeybee:

When you create a workbook from a template, you will see example contacts. The example contacts will always be available in the template, however you can replace the contacts in the workbook tables with your own contacts as you build apps from that workbook for your team.

If you wish to not have the example contacts included, you can create a new workbook and refer to the templates for building ideas.

Hope that helps! Let us know if you have any other quesitions. :honey_pot:

Well, I want to get the list of all my team members enrolled in my team. I found contacts available in template helps to get the list of team members but it shows some sample users too that are not in my team. Anyway, to directly get the list of my team members?

Hi @Nave-b216 :honeybee:

In the app builder, you're correct in that you can select from your team members by changing a column or field to a Contacts format. A workbook created from a template may also have a few example contacts, however you can create a workbook from scratch if you wish to not see any example contacts.

Another way to control which users can be selected, would be to create a People table and add a column of Contacts of only the users you want to select. Then in the app, format a field to a rowlink to that People table to select the particular users.

Hope that's helpful! I've passed on your ask to the team as well, to be able to delete example contact data from the templates.