Purchase Order (PO) Approvals

Use this app to track purchase orders or customize it to suit any type of approval workflow.

Getting started

Click here or select the PO Approvals template when creating a new workbook.

App screenshots

This template include 2 apps, one for the users submitting the requests, and another one for the approvers. The Approver app also allows you to customize the workflow right from the app.

Requester app

Approver app

Data organization

Metadata tables

  • M_Approvers, M_Projects, and M_Status are used to provide a predefined list of options. M_Projects and M_Approvers can be updated using the manager app.

Data tables

A_POs stores the requests and related metadata like submitted by, submission date, approver, and status. This table is modified when:

  • Requester app user adds a new request
  • Request is auto-approved by by a table automation if the request amount is under the threshold set in the M_Projects table
  • A new approver is assigned depending on the workflow set in the M_Approvers table by the Next Approver automation.

Builder Tip :hammer_and_wrench:: Group your tables using prefixes to easily find related tables.

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