Single-Sign-On support

Is it planned to support Single-Sign-On identity provider integration via SAML or any other protocol?

It's hard to start using a new product within organization when SSO is not supported.

(i.e. AWS SSO, G Suite, Auth0 and etc.)



Can we have Cognito support ?

Hi @mirots and @sure-b10a , thanks for your interest! Please see here for more information on Single Sign-On.

Active Directory is vendor specific.

Please provide open technology providers like SAML 2.0, OAuth 2.0 or OIDC.

Looking forward for the improvement.

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I've noted your feedback, @DEJAN. Thanks.

Greetings, @mirots @sure-b10a, @DEJAN, we'd love to gather more information from each of you on external integrations. Please take a moment to visit External Integrations - Share your feedback! and provide details around your use case. Thanks!

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