Can I get Cell Data sent in emails?

Is there a way to send cell data along with emails? I can get form data to show up easy enough, but if I can get cell data to be sent as well. That would be great.
Here is what I have tried so far...
Summary of budget for this item:
Attributed to which budget: =$[Budgeted Item Picklist] (This one works)
How much money has been used in the budget item: =Findrow(B_Budget,"B_Budget[Budget Used]=%", "$[Budgeted Item Picklist]") (Not working. Returns N/A)
How much money is left in that budget item: =Findrow(B_Budget,"B_Budget[Amount Left]=%", "$[Budgeted Item Picklist]") (Not working. Returns N/A)
Percentage used for this budget item: =Findrow(B_Budget,"B_Budget[Percentage Used]=%", "$[Budgeted Item Picklist]") (Not working. Returns N/A)

Each of those Not Working ones corresponds with B_Budget table

Hi @Mattimus :smiley:

For this, you'll want to add the column that you are looking to match to in your formula. $[Budgeted Item Picklist] is a row (which is selected by a user in a rowlink field), so you'd want to write the column in that row you'd like to match. Your solution would then be this:

Money used in the budget item: =$[Budgeted Item Picklist][Budget Used]
Money is left in that budget item: =$[Budgeted Item Picklist][AmountLeft]
Percentage used for this budget item: =$[Budgeted Item Picklist][Percentage Used]

If you're pointing to a different table though, you can use FINDROW and specify the column: =Findrow(B_Budget,"B_Budget[Budget Used]=%", "$[Budgeted Item Picklist]")[Name of column that matches Budget Used value]

Hope this helps! :slight_smile: Let us know if you have any other questions. :honeybee:

Perfect. Thank you Alyssa.

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